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本年度的鮑思高英語奧運會於3月17日取得圓滿成功。在活動前,老師會將所需使用的英語詞彙及英語遊戲規則派給同學作準備。衷心感謝運動健兒們在烈日下仍有出色的發揮,展現了堅持不懈的體育精神。是次鮑思高奧運會圍繞聯合國可持續發展目標3:促進良好健康和福祉為主題,四社同學共參與 8 個關於身心靈健康的英語體育遊戲,和以保護水資源為主題的決賽。在此恭喜聖路加社贏得全場總冠軍,亦為同學展示的合作精神感到自豪。

Delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the annual English-speaking Don Bosco Olympics on the momentous day of 17th March, 2023. Students were given a list of words and game instructions in English before the Olympics for preparation. During the games, they were all required to used English to communicate with their housemates. Our heartfelt congratulations

to all the participants who showcased their exceptional sportsmanship, determination, and perseverance. The Olympics, which featured Sustainable Development Goal 3 of promoting good health and well-being, was composed of 8 thrilling mini-games in the first part and an enthralling final game. We extend our warmest congratulations to St. Luke, the outstanding winning house, for their remarkable performance. We take immense pride in our students who have embodied the spirit of excellence and teamwork.

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