Project WeCan

Evidently, the COVID-19 has affected students' learning to a great extent. Normal and regular learning has turned into so called "New Normal". Fortunately, thanks to our business partners, Harbour City Estates and Asahi Group Company Limited. With their generosity, our school is able to recruit an experienced and enthusiastic NET, Mr Brenton McDonald to run after school online English programmes with our S.1-5 students.
After half-day regular lessons, students are provided with a chance to be exposed to using English for authentic communication. Students are very much interested in the several online programmes. Despite lessons in the morning, their attendance in the after school online classes are still very satisfactory. Why? Only because they are interested and motivated.
Let's have a look at the photos of the several programmes, namely eReading Class, View and Tell Movie Appreciation Class and the Drama Class, captured from the ZOOM lessons. You can see how devoted both the NET and our students are.
From 27 July to 22 August 2020, ten of our S.1-2 students were so fortunate to have a chance to participate in a 24-day English enrichment programme co-organized by English WeCan and the Education University. It was a very precious opportunity as students could maximize their summer break for learning.
This year, due to the COVID-19 issue, the learning had to be done online. The online mode apparently illustrated the greater effort the organizers and the tutors put in. From the feedback of both teachers and students, it was evident that the programme was beneficial to students and it was worth joining. Ms Ko was particularly impressed by the students’ speaking presentation during the Grand Finale on 22 August 2020.
Thanks English WeCan and the Education University for providing students with such a gorgeous learning opportunity!
Outstanding Learning Attitude Lo Shun Yin盧信言
Outstanding Learning Attitude Yip Chi Shing葉智成
Outstanding Improvement Yip Chi Shing葉智成
Outstanding Learning Attitude Lin Qin林欽
Most Organized Wong Hon Pan王漢彬
Best Improvement Zhuang Wei Tao庄維濤
Most Attentive Gu Tsz Tsan 古梓燦